Landscapes of the Mind
”Landscapes of the mind - Dreamscapes and Scholar Stones”
Ceramic glazed monolithic forms rise from the pedestals with bolts of color or agitated hues.
Stones and their presence have forever been a preoccupation of mine. I’ve always been fascinated with what is held within the stone, what stories or spirit or captured time is represented. Throughout history man has related to stones – for tools, for art, for monuments, for ancestor worship and celestial notations. It is with this spirit that I create my sculptures.
I am a prolific dreamer, and now as I find myself creating in my Domehome studio that is often above the clouds, I’ve begun to explore “Landscapes of the Mind”. The connection between the natural phenomena and limitless freedom of clouds and dreams has manifested in this latest series based on the precepts of Chinese Scholar stones or Suiseki (water and stone in Japanese). Journeys across land and form have become the chorography of my dreams in this endless reciprocal exchange between the ethereal and the earthly, formlessness and form.